Discord Server

The Foundation Discord server is accessible to everyone above the age of 13 (per Discord terms of service). The Discord server is the best place to be to receive information regarding the Foundation, such as development updates, announcements, department recruitment, and more. The Discord server is also where Level-0 Applications are submitted.

Joining the Server

To join the server, you may use this link, as it is the permanent invite link. If this link does not work, you may be banned from the server or the link is broken. If the link is broken, please check back in the next few days to see if the link has been fixed. If it has not been fixed, please DM a member of the Moderation Team. If you are banned from the server and would like to appeal your ban, see the selection below.

Moderation and Appeals

The Moderation Team is responsible for moderating the Discord server and is also responsible for handling moderation appeals. If you have been banned from the Discord server and would like to appeal your ban, join this Discord server and open a ban appeal ticket. Ban appeals may take extended periods of time and are different for every type of ban, please be patient as moderators determine whether or not to unban you.