The Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is a self-governing executive body responsible for upholding Foundation law, ensuring that resources are not used in excess or wasted, making sure personnel are treated fairly, and serves as a means to regulate various foundation entities.

Entering the Ethics Committee

To enter the Ethics Committee, you must fill out the Ethics Committee Interest Form to be placed on a waitlist. The Ethics Committee is currently capped at fifteen members; if a spot opens on the Committee, those on the waitlisted will be nominated to the Committee and spots will be filled as necessary.

Department Leadership

The current Overseer is KnownMonarch, O5-5. He has served as the Ethics Committee Overseer since September 4th, 2022. KnownMonarch has also served as the O5-Head since November 11th, 2022.

The current Ethics Committee Chairman is bonboo52. He has served as the Ethics Committee Chairman since September November 16th, 2023.


The Ethics Committee contains three subdivisions responsible for different purposes: The Office of the Inspector General, the Office of the Overseer, and the Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration.

The Ethics Committee's logo, the scale representing justice, truth, and representation; the laurel representing humanity and triumph.